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Blanche Monnier

The Story of Blanche Monnier: The Real Séquestrée de Poitiers


The story of Blanche Monnier is a tragic tale of a woman who was held captive by her own family for over 25 years. Born into an aristocratic family in Poitiers, France, in 1849, Blanche was imprisoned by her mother and brother after they disapproved of her romantic relationship.

The Disappearance

In 1875, Blanche disappeared without a trace. Her family claimed she had left home to join a convent, but in reality, they had hidden her away in a secret room in their house. For the next 25 years, Blanche was kept prisoner in the attic, with only a small window for ventilation.

The Discovery

In 1901, the police raided the Monnier household after receiving an anonymous tip. They found Blanche lying naked and emaciated on a mattress covered in filth. She was immediately taken to a hospital, where she died a few days later from malnutrition and neglect.


The Monnier family was arrested and charged with false imprisonment. Blanche's mother died in prison, while her brother was sentenced to 15 years in prison. The story of Blanche Monnier shocked the world and became a symbol of the abuse and oppression that women could face in the 19th century.

The Legacy

Today, the story of Blanche Monnier is still told as a cautionary tale about the dangers of isolation and abuse. It is also a reminder of the importance of speaking out against injustice, even when it seems like no one is listening.
